Soft Citrus – ARC Nadorkott LC
The ARC Nadorkott LC is a sweet and aromatic fruit which is sun-ripened with a lovely aroma, lots of very tasty juice, easy to peel and virtually seedless.
ClemenGold™ is the registered brand name for superior quality Nadorcott citrus.
“Fertile soil, warm sunshine, rainy days, a great deal of enthusiasm and tender loving care all come into play. Together these elements create a harmony that reflects the golden standard, which makes ClemenGold® so special.”
Great care is taken when packed (we refer to them as small babies) in the Packhouse as the fruit is extremely sensitive to being handled too much.
We love to eat them, juice them, and dry them for later use. The juice is at first taste “Bring me more!!”, it is just plain delicious.
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Soft Citrus – Nova
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The Packhouse teams’ favourite to eat. They are after all the early birds of the fruit on the farm!
Nova originated in Florida in 1942 from as a hybrid from a crossing between a Fina clementine and an Orlando tangelo. It was officially released in 1964.
The segments are juicy, tender and sweet. In South Africa it is harvested from end April to the end of May/beginning July.
The flesh of the Nova is deep orange, fine-textured and juicy with a sweet, rich flavour and has a distinctive aroma. The fruit is seedless, segments are juicy, tender, and sweet.
A little more difficult to peel, but still an easy peeler.
We start picking and packing mid-April to end of May.
Washington Navels
The navel orange is a mutation of regular sweet orange. The name “navel orange” is from the mutation at the bottom blossom end of the orange. The bottom of the orange has a depression looks somewhat like a human belly button. The mutation gives the navel orange no seeds.
Washington Navels are medium to large, and is a lovely yellow-orange colour when ripe. The fruit is easy to peel and is known as a premier dessert fruit.
Harvesting and packing starts mid to end of May.
By the way: They taste great! with lots of juice!
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