Our Team @ Burgpak

Emmie Burger

Co-Owner & Quality Assurance

Charmaine Oelofse

Packhouse Manager

Mossie Mostert

Dispatch & Admin Manager

Sonja du Plessis

Compliance & Food safety

Henry Burger


Our Team @ Burgpak
Supervisor Team 2021
Our Team @ Burgpak
Burgpak Packing Champions 2020

We have a dedicated staff compliment that returns every year when packing season starts. We employ around 110 staff every year during packing season.

New packing season always starts with training. We ensure that each department, Supervisors and Management are trained and obtain the knowledge they need to efficiently do their job to their best ability.

Every morning starts with a prayer and safety talk, and feedback on the previous day production is given. 

External training is also provided by PPECB and other parties for more technical skills needed in the Packhouse.