Our Partners


Core Fruit is our EXPORT Partner. The Core Promise is that Premium quality fresh produce sourced in South Africa, Spain and Morocco matched with key international markets with sustainability and mutually beneficial relationships in mind.

They are essential in the whole process as they believe that business transparency is the key to building strong and long-term relationships with their clients.

They link our produce to key markets, ensure that every grade of fruit is placed with the most suitable market, and therefore providing us with sustainable returns on our citrus.

Core Fruit is always helpful especially since we only started to operate our own Packhouse in 2019.  They have staff in our region and the staff is hands on to assist us with their years of experience to provide the best quality citrus to our customers.

Our Partners


Our Partners

ClemenGold® and the other members of the ‘gold’ family, including LemonGold®, HoneyGold® and NavelGold®, treat citrus lovers the world over with premium products. Expect citrus at its very best!

The ClemenGold™ brand was created to ensure high quality Nadorcott can retain its premium value in the market and to build a product name known and trusted by customers globally.

Standards are high and to qualify the fruit must meet die minimum standard.

Fruit that does not meet the standard, can still be exported but not sold under the ClemenGold™ brand.

The company’s endgame is to capture shelf space and the hearts of consumers which could translate to price stability, and it is a philosophy they share with their grower partners.


Citrus Research International is a research and technical services organisation based in South Africa that focusses primarily on citrus. CRI coordinates and funds research conducted by the CRI Group which includes close collaboration between CRI and a wide range of partners. There is a strong focus on the southern African citrus industry’s needs as they relate to the industry’s heavy reliance on export of fresh fruit to global markets.

CRI has been commissioned by the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa to research and develop the technical issues required to enhance access of southern African citrus to world markets. This includes requirements for opening new markets, retaining, and improving access to existing markets.

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Our Partners

The CGA was established by citrus growers in the wake of deregulation in 1997.  Growers were concerned that certain functions previously carried out by the Citrus Board could be discontinued or downsized.  With the demise of a single channel marketing system there are often questions about “who represents the citrus grower?”  The CGA believes that it is their role to fill this void.  

Growers interests are furthered through representation to citrus industry stakeholders – including government, exporters, research institutions and suppliers to the citrus industry.  The levy paid by all growers of export citrus has been a statutory levy since 2002. The CGA administers this levy and the growers have the mandate to advise the priorities and expenditure, under the guidance of the NAMC.

The CGA represents the interests of the producers of export citrus.  In total approximately 1400 growers throughout Southern Africa (including Zimbabwe and Swaziland) are members of the Association.


Citrogold is a leading South African variety development and management company. Since the late 1990’s, Citrogold has successfully introduced and implemented new citrus varieties that have enhanced the competitiveness of the South African citrus industry. In addition, Citrogold has introduced new sub-tropical varieties to the sub-tropical fruit industry and continues to build on this portfolio.   Citrogold’s current product range includes citrus (oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruit), pomegranate, mango, macadamia and passiflora.

Citrogold offers plant breeders and developers a specialised platform for commercialising their new varieties both in South Africa and internationally.  With a strong focus on technical evaluation of varieties, Citrogold can advise and guide breeders on the commercial potential of their varieties.

Citrogold offers early adopter growers the opportunity to participate in the early commercialisation of new varieties. Business models that include the implementation of limited plantings and recognise the growers’ investment and risk, are developed and tailor-made to suit the value of specific varieties, thereby improving the growers’ competitiveness & profitability

Our Partners


Our Partners

PPECB is the mandated certification agency for perishable products intended for export, all producers and pack houses are required to register with the PPECB.

 The PPECB provides a diverse range of services to registered pack houses and producers which ensures they meet relevant standards relating to regulated agricultural food products intended for export. These services include Food Safety Audits, food safety testing services and product inspections.

 The PPECB‘s Food Safety Audits focus on all systems and processes within the production and packing chain such as traceability, worker hygiene and plant protection methods amongst others. Furthermore, the PPECB‘s laboratory, an ISO 17025 accredited testing facility, which services products intended for both local and international markets, provides vital food safety testing services such as mycotoxin analysis, fats analysis, compositional dairy testing and maximum residue level (MRL) testing of pesticides in a myriad of matrices.

 The PPECB‘s product inspection services are performed by inspectors, stationed across South Africa, who deliver consistent quality inspections on our citrus to ensure the produce complies with minimum export standards. This includes but is not limited to quality and phytosanitary aspects as well as marking requirements.