About Us

Henry’s father Dorey Burger acquired the farm Branddraai in the fertile Ohrigstad valley in 1971.  The farm then produced mainly burley tobacco. In the late eighties the burley tobacco industry in South Africa crashed and it hit the Ohrigstad valley extremely hard.  Henry grew up on the farm and joined the farming operations in 1996.  He remembered those dark days of the tobacco collapse and decided that the farming operations would never rely on a single crop again.

In 2009 the decision was made to start with diversifying the farming operations with the establishment of Macadamia trees on the farm.  The farm currently has 110 Ha under Macadamia trees.

In 2010 further diversification took place with the decision to plant citrus and the first orchards of Washington Navels and Nova Mandarins were established. In October 2017 we established the Nadorcott AR9 Mandarin variety.  The farming operation currently has 75 Ha under Citrus Production.

In 2017 the decision was taken to establish our own citrus Packhouse as the citrus production grew to a point where it made sense to pack our fruits ourselves.  BURGPAK the newly established Packhouse packed and exported citrus for the first time in 2019.  Fruit are exported to 18 different countries around the world.

In 2020 Henry acquired a farm with 16Ha Almond Trees. Together with the Macadamia’s, Citrus and Almonds the farm also produce “Cash” crops like, sugar-beans, seed sugar-beans, wheat, and Seed Maize throughout the year.